EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation)
The concept of EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) has been developed for nearly half a century. It is a non-invasive mechanically assisted circulatory device certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: non-invasive, no surgery, no hospitalization, just an outpatient Treatment of angina, congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction.
In the course of treatment, compression pants are used to match the heartbeat to squeeze the lower limbs, mechanically increase the diastolic pressure of the aorta, reduce the systolic pressure of the aorta, increase the coronary blood flow of the heart without increasing the heart load, and then improve the myocardial Metabolism and function, and synchronize with your heart cycle (systole and relaxation), promoting blood flow throughout the body, especially the heart. While the treatment is in progress, EECP uses the network of enlarged tiny blood vessels to develop new pathways, especially near blocked arteries, to increase and allow normal blood flow to the muscles of the heart.
Therefore, the current medical community believes that EECP is an effective and safe alternative treatment option for patients with angina pectoris and heart failure.

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Accelerating fat loss
Increase lymphatic flow
Increase metabolic rate
Improve blood flow throughout the body
Reverse aging effects
Improve skin tone
Inhibits oxidation and inflammation
Reduce heart workload
Increase in metabolism
Relax muscles
Increases physical and exercise endurance
Recovery from fatigue after exercise